Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Queentide: A Review

Queentide is a fictitious dystopian novel that hits very close to home.


Australia in 2026 is not an easy place to be a woman.

Authoritarianism has crept into the country and women have lost their rights and voices. But Bodie and her militant granddaughter, Insley, are gambling everything to return them. They have set up a radical feminist group, Queentide, to steal the upcoming election and make Aboriginal politician, Kathleen, the next Prime Minister of an all-women Government. The ex-wife of a senior Minister, Lilith, vows to help them by sharing explosive secrets that will guarantee Queentide's success.

But two things might stop them. A state-backed, violent men's rights group and a bitter power struggle that threatens to tear Queentide apart. Can the women harness the storm and smash the patriarchy?Or will Queentide wreck itself?


I want to preface this review by letting you know, I am absolutely a feminist.  The last few weeks in the US with the court rulings has tipped me further towards the radical feminist side. So when I read books like this it just ignites my fury. So having said that.... I found this to be a difficult read.


In 2026 in Australia women had no voice, no control over their bodies, their lives, or their children. Poor behavior from men was often overlooked or excused and women were perceived guilty unless proven innocent.  When a woman left her marriage she very likely lost her children. Lilith bravely left her husband, and only seeing her children when he allowed her to. Bravely..she secretly began attending meetings with Queentide.  Where she met Brodie, an older woman with experience leading groups for women.

I personally read books that pull me out of reality so I can get a break however this book immersed me into a reality that was not far from where we are.   Women had no voice, men's poor behavior was excused.  Women were perceived guilty unless proven innocent, and when a woman left her marriage she very likely lost her children. Ya'll...we are only four years away from the reality in this book...and I know a lot of women fear the world this book built may be our not so distant future. 

I would have liked to have seen more intersectionalism in the book. There were lots of strong independent women in this book, with lots of tense moments.  Would Queentide be successful and get Kathleen elected, dispite all the odds stacked against her? Well I'm not going to tell you, go get the book. If you enjoy feminists books, or need a book to ignite your fury then this book is for you.

Disclaimer: I received an advanced e-copy of this book free for review. This however does not affect my opinions, as I do not leave a review for each book I receive. There are links to bookshop here, clicking these links won't cost you anything but any purchase helps support this blog. Thanks!

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